Heledd's Newsletter

Weekly Roundup 9 July 2021

Weekly Round-up 9 July 2021

It has been a very varied week, with a number of residents from across the region getting in touch about a whole range of different issues. With only a week to go before the Senedd breaks for the summer, it is all go trying to have opportunities to raise things directly with Ministers. Committees are also meeting for the first time next week, and it has been confirmed that I will be a member of the Culture, Welsh Language, Communications, Sport and International Relations Committee as well as the Standards Committee.

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Weekly Round-up 2 July 2021

Big News this week – I finally got the keys for my regional office and began moving in today (Friday 2 July). The office is 2 High Street, Pontypridd and we hope to complete all work on it over the summer to open to the public in September, dependent on Covid regulations of course.



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Weekly Roundup 18/6/21

From the Senedd

It was another busy week in the Senedd, as well as attending meetings with residents and dealing with casework. I have also finally found an office in Pontypridd town centre, which is very exciting. I can’t wait to share more news about this with you about it very soon!

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